Hand cannon dead space 2
Hand cannon dead space 2

  1. #Hand cannon dead space 2 manual
  2. #Hand cannon dead space 2 series

  • Human alien Vash the Stampede in Trigun.
  • Although not quite as impressive as the above examples, Luke Valentine uses a cut-down M1 Garand - a rifle firing rounds slightly bigger than the standard 7.62mm.
  • He can also produce it from his arm at will, and reloads it by vomiting green slime into it.
  • In Hellsing's anime, the Big Bad Incognito wields an Arms Cor 40 mm, which is a Grenade launcher and the grenades contain vampire-killing spines of death with, as Alucard puts it, Sorcery from the Dark Continent.
  • Neither are weapons any man could hope to wield, the former for its kickback and the latter for its insane weight, but "It was never meant for a man." The latter is also so heavy because it has a bomb inside it. For comparison, the US Army's standard-issue platoon machine gun, the M240B, weighs in at 12kg. Both guns are ridiculously heavy for their size. Later on he is given another, bigger pistol (though it's more like a huge block of metal with a trigger) called "The Jackal" (also 39 cm/16" long, 16kg unloaded, 13mm Mercury core rounds with blessed Macedonian silver jackets), which he uses together with the first one akimbo-style. 454 Casull cartridge (which is only slightly smaller than a AA battery) in fact, this ammo gives the gun its common name, "The Casull".
  • The vampire Alucard in Hellsing: he carries an awesomely huge pistol (39 cm/16" long, 6kg unloaded) stylized after an old-fashioned Colt that can fire the mighty.
  • Not to be confused with Arm Cannon, which is literally a cannon on the arm. Differs from BFG in that the Hand Cannon is large for a handgun, while the BFG is simply large. You know you're dealing with either this or a BFG if a character says something along the lines of "Wow, that's a really big gun." A stock gag is that the gunman is Compensating for Something.Ī subtrope of Bigger Is Better. Guns that shoot Frickin' Laser Beams and other such energy weapons are rarely used in this trope, as Kinetic Weapons Are Just Better works well.

    #Hand cannon dead space 2 series

    In series where the heroes battle supernatural or cybernetically enhanced beings, weapons like these may well be necessary to take down their Made of Iron/ Nigh Invulnerable enemies, which conventional weapons just aren't enough for. This actually isn't true, however, because at least 2 special forces groups from 2 separate countries have it as a standard-issue(Polish Grom and Portuguese GOE). Often, in Video Games, the Desert Eagle is used as a symbol of just how badass the military is, never minding the fact that a huge fucking gun like a Desert Eagle would never be used by any unit, Special Ops or otherwise, because they're just too damn heavy and loud (not to mention only having a 7 shot magazine). The character with the giant handgun is sometimes superhuman, supernatural or cybernetically enhanced in order to compensate for the weapon's weight and recoil. In particularly Egregious cases they're fired one-handed or even dual-wielded - try this in Real Life and you'll end up with a broken wrist/nose and a bullet going nowhere near where it's supposed to. Often, the character's hands are barely big enough to support the weapon. And if bullets just don't cut it, they can always use a Sawed-Off Shotgun or the M79 grenade launcher, which can be (clumsily) fired one-handed. Bigger and more powerful handguns exist (like the Automag V), but they don't have the same media presence and generally look much less cool. The modern successor to the crown of most ridiculously oversized handgun is the Israeli Military Industries Desert Eagle in. Eventually, automatics firing the same rounds were introduced. 44 Magnum revolver, like the Colt Python. Which type of gun fills this role varies by time period. Sometimes, it has a nickel finish, or better yet, gold. PAGES WILL BE DELETED OTHERWISE IF THEY ARE MISSING BASIC MARKUP. DON'T MAKE PAGES MANUALLY UNLESS A TEMPLATE IS BROKEN, AND REPORT IT THAT IS THE CASE. THIS SHOULD BE WORKING NOW, REPORT ANY ISSUES TO Janna2000, SelfCloak or RRabbit42. The Trope workshop specific templates can then be removed and it will be regarded as a regular trope page after being moved to the Main namespace.

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    #Hand cannon dead space 2 manual

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  • Hand cannon dead space 2